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Gain an Inch on Your Biceps in One Month

Gain an Inch on Your Biceps in One Month – Do This!

5 min read


04 Nov 2020

As a guy, there are very few things that’ll make you the envy of the gym more than hulk-like arms. You could even go as far as saying big arms for men are the equivalent of a big chest for women. No matter how homely looking you are, monster biceps on a man will always get a woman’s attention.

But big arms don’t come easy, you gotta work for them. It takes dedication to build bigger biceps. Dedication, commitment and knowledge. You can’t just go flippin’ weights round and expect to get swole overnight. A guy needs to truly know what he’s doing if he wants real results.

After all, how many people do you see in the weight room every single day doing their strength training, and if you didn’t know better, their appearance would suggest they don’t work out at all? I bet there’s a few you could name. Their issue is they don’t know what they’re doing!

In a nutshell, here’s how to get bigger biceps fast;

  • Train your biceps more than once a week.
  • Go heavy and don’t worry about getting ten reps each set.
  • Consume more protein than you currently do, and make sure it’s through meats and protein shakes for best results.
  • Follow the biceps building workout below.
  • Watch your shirts get tighter on your arms.

Need more explanation? Don’t sweat it, we’ve got you covered. Read on to find out everything you need to know about growing monster biceps.

Get knowledge, get pumped

Don’t be one of those guys who works hard but gains nothing. Below are a few suggestions that, if followed correctly, will add immediate size to your biceps.

1. Forget high reps

If you aren’t straining to get your ten reps completed while doing bis, your weights aren’t heavy enough. Professional bodybuilder legend Ronnie Coleman would often say that everyone wants to get big, but nobody wants to lift heavy weight. For instance, if you’re doing dumbbell bicep curls, choose a weight that you aren’t sure you’ll manage to do the full ten reps with. If you only get six or seven, that’s fine. At least you’re pushing your muscle further.

2. Do biceps more than once a week

There are people that workout often but yet only do bis, tris, back, shoulders, chest, and legs each just once a week. It may work well for them, but if you’re not satisfied with your results for your biceps working them out just once a week, change it up and do them twice a week or more.

In case you slept through high school science, muscle becomes bigger through hypertrophy. Immediately after a strength training workout, your body repairs the muscle fibers that got damaged while you were lifting.

Through the cellular process, it fuses muscle fibers back together. As part of this process, the repaired muscle fibers become slightly thicker and bigger. So it makes sense that working them out more often will have them grow bigger.

It’s during the recovery process that this magic happens, so make sure you give them at least a couple of days off between each session.

3. Eat protein like it’s your job

Nutritionists and trainers always say it’s 75% what you eat and 25% the exercise you do that yields results in health and fitness. And since protein builds muscle when it’s combined with strength training, it makes perfect sense to start taking in more quality protein that is low in bad fats and carbs.

One of the best ways to do this is to find a protein shake you like and drink one a few times a day. Aim for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day. So if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be ingesting 200 grams of protein every day.

Biceps building workout for growing larger arms

bodybuilder doing bicep curls

This is a workout I often do for biceps, and I think it’ll pay off for you too. I usually alternate them in with tricep exercises since triceps make up about 75 percent of the upper arm.

1. Start out with biceps hammer curls

Most people can go heavier on hammer curls than regular dumbbell curls. By going with the hammer grip it works the brachialis, which is that bump of a muscle between your biceps and triceps. Doing this as the very first thing is wise since it’s hard to go heavy with dumbbell curls unless you’re fresh. After a warmup set, try for three sets of 8 to 10 reps and increase the weight for each new set you do. Once you’re finished, move on to a triceps exercise.

2. Preacher curl machine

While I’m not fond of using machines often, the preacher curl machine is excellent for focusing strictly on the biceps. Do three sets of 8 to 10 reps. After you’re done with the third set, give yourself 30 seconds to recuperate, and then start the journey back down on the preacher curl weight stack.

This means that if the most weight you could do on the machine would be 150 pounds, do five reps at 150 pounds, drop it immediately to 145 pounds and do five reps there, and then keep on working your way down until you’re finished with the stack.

Have a partner do this with you for motivational purposes. After you’re done, go do a triceps exercise. It’ll give your biceps a chance to recuperate in the meantime.

3. Rope biceps curl

This is another good one for isolating the biceps. But instead of having the rope down low which would make it very similar to a hammer curl, put it up high so you have to curl the rope down towards you. You might have to plant your feet pretty well during this exercise because you’re gonna go heavy. Go for five reps on each set and start it off with just under the heaviest weight you can do. Your goal is to get 10 sets in at five reps each as you climb higher in weight. After this exercise, go on to a triceps movement.

4. Barbell curl

One last exercise for your biceps; a barbell biceps curl. It’d be nice if your gym had a barbell rack so you don’t have to take the time to load up the weight. Go up in weight by ten pounds every set, and be certain you’re going as heavy as you can. Even if you only get six or seven reps, don’t worry about it. You’re making your biceps grow.

Related article: Back And Biceps Workout >>

Start the change today

If you follow all these tips on how to make your biceps grow, you’ll start seeing some changes pretty quick. After a bit of time, your shirt sleeves will become tighter. People will accuse you of wearing a size smaller of course, but they’ll just be jealous. Soon, the guys in the gym will be asking you for advice on how to get bigger. Just remember the points above and you’ll soon be seeing great results.

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