I just finished my first month on anadrole, I’ve been skinny and have a hard rims gaining weight and figured I’d give your product a shot, I was at a stand still of weighing 147 pounds and couldn’t seem to get past their until I took your product.
I eat about 5,000 calories a day of all rich protein and carbs while keeping the fat to a minimum.

Since taking your product I now weigh a steady 156 every morning. I started only being able to bench press 105 pounds and I’ve been able to bench 135 and even hit a max of 150 for one rep.
I used to hammer curl 25 pounds I now can do it with 40’s. My before squat was 125 I now can hit 145. I’m currently trying to save enough for a bulking stack so I can try to hit my goal of weighing 175 by the end of the year.
I loved the product and my girlfriend didn’t seem to mind the only side effect I got, if you catch my drift.
I’m definitely going to purchase agin in the future, I already have my buddies looking at your products as well.
Thank you. From a non believer in your product into a believer.
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