Best Muscle-Building Foods

The Best Muscle-Building Foods: Your Ultimate Guide To Earning Epic Gains

10 min read


23 Jul 2024

Hack Beast Mode…

  1. Why you need more muscle-building foods in your life
  2. 15 of the best muscle-building foods for grabbing epic gains
  3. Hack Beast Mode with CrazyBulk
  4. Find your product

Get epic gains the right way with this essential list of foods to build muscle and shred.

Welcome to the ultimate muscle-building nutrition guide.  We’re saying ‘ultimate’ because we’ve got all you need.

Whether you're just starting out or one rep away from pushing your limits, understanding why nutrition is crucial for building muscle, muscle recovery—and a ton of other factors.

Here, we’re gonna explore the top muscle-building foods—like chicken breast, brown rice, and Greek yogurt—and learn how CrazyBulk supplements can hack your way to Beast Mode. 

We’re not the No.1 hardcore bodybuilding brand for nothing.

So, let's feed those gains and crush your muscle goals, whether to get lean or get stacked, one nutrient-packed bite at a time.

Why you need more muscle-building foods in your life

Why are nutrient-rich foods essential for muscle development?

It's simple.

They’re the fuel your body needs to sculpt, strengthen, and grow.

Whether you're aiming to pack on mass or define your physique, nutrition forms the cornerstone of your muscle-building journey.

Bring essential nutrients

Muscle-building food groups are your secret weapon, packed with high-quality proteins and amino acids, essential for bulking up and repairing muscle. 

Proteins are the building blocks—rebuild them post-workout for massive gains in size and strength.

Supercharge your performance

supercharge workout

These food groups are your energy boosters, powering you through those intense sessions and crushing fatigue.

Carbs keep you tearing through workouts, while healthy fats fuel your muscle function and health. Don’t worry—we’re gonna go into the specifics about what to eat next.

Avoid the Pitfalls

Stay clear of junk that’ll hold you back. Cut the processed sugars and fatty foods that wreck your gains and slow recovery. They might hit the mark short term but long term, they hinder your progress. 

Some of the worst offenders are…processed foods like fast food and sugary snacks. 

Also, put a stop to sugar-sweetened beverages, energy drinks, and sugary fruit juices. Skip items with trans fat, reduce or eliminate alcohol and stay low on high-sodium foods. 

Don’t let food hold you back.

Stay Lean and Mean

Power-packed foods help you keep that shredded physique.

Certain lean proteins lock in muscle mass while slashing body fat. Fiber-rich foods keep your digestion firing on all cylinders, making sure your body soaks up those muscle-building nutrients like a champ.

Related: 10 Nutrition-Packed Foods You Need In Your Diet To Bulk Up

15 of the best muscle-building foods for grabbing epic gains


We’ve put together a comprehensive list of foods you need to eat to gain muscle (don’t slack on the muscle-building exercises and intense workouts, though).

From healthy fats to high protein foods, we’re gonna get you the specifics you need to streamline your exercise performance and increase your muscle mass.

Chicken Breast 

A classic high-quality protein food with approximately 31 grams of protein per 100 grams serving, making it a staple in muscle mass building diets. If Arnie and Ronnie are fans, it’s time you were too.

What are the benefits?

Chicken breast is low in fat and calories, making it ideal for shredding while providing essential amino acids to fuel muscle repair and growth.

It’s best eaten throughout the day but is ideally eaten post-workout when protein synthesis is heightened. 

To get the most out of it, have it grilled or baked so its awesome nutritional benefits are maximized and your muscles supported for recovery and growth. 



This fish is not only super delicious but it’s a powerhouse of nutrition for growing muscles.


Because with around 25 grams of protein per 100 grams serving and an impressive nutritional profile rich in omega-3 fatty acids, salmon supports muscle protein synthesis and reduces inflammation. 

The result? You can recover quicker after workouts. Phew.

Did you know? Omega-3s also enhance insulin sensitivity, crucial for nutrient uptake into muscles. It's best consumed during lunch or dinner to replenish protein stores and optimize recovery post-exercise. 

Griller or baked, you know the drill. 

Related: High Protein Meals for Muscle Building


Yes, you can build muscle and eat green. Soybeans are an ideal snack when you are aiming for lean muscle.

These legumes stand out among vegetarian sources of protein for containing all nine essential amino acids. So if you’re building muscle as a vegetarian (or vegan), stock up.

Soybeans and soy-based foods like tofu, tempeh, and various meat alternatives are high-quality protein sources that offer around 36 grams of protein per 100 grams. 

Like salmon and chicken, this protein content supports muscle protein synthesis and aids in reducing inflammation, which accelerates recovery after workouts. 

Eat them boiled or steamed. For tofu and tempeh you can pan-sear them, grill or bake so they retain their goodness.

Greek yogurt

greek yoghurt

The mighty Greek yogurt stands out as a superior source of protein, offering around 10 grams per 100 grams serving, along with calcium and probiotics for digestive health. This type of yogurt could be easier to digest too, and a smartway to start bulking without bloating.

It’s a post-workout dream as it supports recovery and replenishes glycogen stores. Boom! But only that. Greek yogurt aids muscle repair and maintenance due to its quick-digesting protein and ability to enhance nutrient absorption. 

Enjoy it plain or with fruits and nuts for added flavor and nutrients to fuel your muscle mass to build muscle through food.

Brown rice

Level up your rice! Go brown, not white. 

Brown rice is a nutrient-dense whole grain that fuels muscle growth. It contains approximately 2.6 grams of protein per 100 grams serving, along with complex carbohydrates and fiber. 

Have it as a pre-workout meal or snack. 


Because it gives you sustained energy levels so you can kick your gym work outta the park. 

And not only that. It boosts your performance and muscle function during your workouts. 

In terms of vitamins and minerals, brown rice is a top player. It contains magnesium and B vitamins, essential for muscle metabolism and recovery. 

Have it as a side dish with lean protein and vegetables, or put it in salads and stir fries. 


basket full of eggs

You probably expected to see these, right? 

Eggs are an amazingly versatile muscle-building food, providing about 13 grams of protein per 100 grams serving, along with essential nutrients like vitamins B12 and D. 

Those looking to build muscle often have eggs for breakfast or as a snack option to fuel muscles and bring on boost muscle protein synthesis. Add eggs into omelets, salads or sandwiches for muscle health and muscle gain.


Oats may seem simple, but they are a complex carbohydrate powerhouse. They provide around 17 grams of protein per 100 grams serving, along with fiber and essential nutrients. 

They’re a pre-workout victory for fueling muscles with sustained energy and a post-workout aid in recovery post-exercise. Enjoy oats as oatmeal, overnight oats, or in smoothies to support muscle growth and overall health.


It’s the food that sounds nothing like it’s spelt. Quinoa is a complete protein source with approximately four grams of protein per 100 grams serving, packed with complex carbohydrates and fiber.

That means it’s perfect for sustained energy levels throughout the day and supports muscle growth and recovery. 

It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it an essential component of vegetarian and vegan muscle-building diets.

It’s easy to add to salads, soups, or as a side dish to provide essential nutrients. 

10. Lean beef

lean beef

Supercharge your gains with lean beef! 

It’s one of the classic choices for lean meats as it is a potent muscle-building food. It delivers around 100g serving 36g  of protein. It is also packed with iron, zinc, and B vitamins essential for muscle function and growth.

Hit it during lunch or dinner to supe up your protein stores and support muscle repair and muscle gain.

A big hit of beef is also a great food for those who want to stay or get lean as it keeps body fat on the low. Grill, roast, or stir-fry it.

11. Chickpeas

Didn’t expect to see these on the list?

Well, prepare to be impressed.

Chickpeas are a plant-based protein powerhouse, providing around 19gs of protein per 100g serving. 

They’re also high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, promoting sustained energy and aiding digestion. 

Include chickpeas in salads, stews, or as a snack to support muscle growth and improve your body composition by increasing lean muscle mass and reducing fat. 

A nice clean food for if you’re clean bulking.

12. Almonds

Ooh yeah. Get nuts about these nuts because they’re a great source of healthy fats, with around 21g of protein per 100 grams serving. They’re also rich in vitamins and minerals that support your muscles.

Why not eat a handful raw or add them to your meals for a healthy and effective snack?  Yes, they aid repair and recovery after workouts but also give a rush of essential nutrients for muscle growth. 

13. Cottage cheese

cottage cheese

Another classic for bodybuilders and muscle-heads alike. 

The taste and consistency tend to be polarizing, but its nutritional profile overrides. It’s a high-protein dairy product, offering about 11g of protein per 100-gram serving. Go for low-fat cottage cheese to get the benefits without excess fat.

This stuff contains casein protein which is slow-digesting. This rocks for a muscle building diet because it keeps your blood sugar levels regulated, while giving you a steady rush of energy.

It’s an excellent choice for a bedtime snack to support your muscles repairing and growing overnight. muscle repair and growth overnight.

14. Spinach

Don’t forget your leafy greens.

Did you know? Spinach is a nutrient-dense vegetable, with about 3g of protein for every 100g serving. It’s rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help support muscle health. 

Spinach is also great in salads, smoothies, or as a side dish.

15. Lentils


They’re small. But don’t underestimate them.

Lentils are a plant-based protein source, offering about 9g of protein per 100 grams serving. Bam! They’re totally high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, so you get that sustained energy release and nice smooth digestion. 

Try lentils in soups, stews, or salads throughout your day to reap the rewards of their muscle-building protein, which increases lean muscle mass and reduces fat. 

​​Hack Beast Mode with CrazyBulk

Obvs, you know that diet alone isn’t going to crush it. If you really want to obliterate your limits, you've gotta go hard with workouts, diet and supplements.

After all, supplements are your secret weapon. Your extra 5% that the rest might miss.

Let’s break down how to dominate your bulk.

CrazyBulk Supplements

We’ve got your ticket to insane gains and epic strength. 

Here’s the lineup…

  • D-Bal: Crank up nitrogen retention, skyrocket muscle protein synthesis, and pack on muscle fast.
  • Testo-Max: Boost your testosterone levels, unleash raw power, and smash through strength plateaus.
  • Clenbutrol: Incinerate fat, rev up your cardio, and carve out a ripped physique.
  • Tren-Max: Pump up red blood cell production, jack up nitrogen retention, and crush your workouts with monstrous strength.

And an easy wait to fuel your gains is with our popular Bulking Stack

Train Like a beast

Pair your CrazyBulk supplements with brutal workouts to dominate the gym.

  • Resistance Training. Go heavy or go home with compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Target multiple muscle groups, stimulate growth, and watch your body transform.
  • Progressive Overload: Add more weight, reps, and sets over time. Keep pushing your limits to build serious muscle.

Stay consistent: commit

Consistency is king. Stick to your supplements, diet, and workout plan. No excuses. No shortcuts. Just relentless dedication to crushing your goals.

CrazyBulk + Solid Diet + Killer Workouts = Beast Mode Activated

Stop waiting. Start dominating. CrazyBulk’s supplements are your edge in the gym, turning your muscle-building dreams into reality. 

Unleash the beast within, fuel up with the right foods, and train like a savage. The next level is waiting. Why aren’t you?

Find your product

Overwhelmed by choice? We can cut through the noise and introduce our Product Finder

It’s a simple way to search via your age bracket, fitness goals, gender and frequency of training. 

Easy. Now tell us you can’t supercharge your gains.

For more expert advice on everything from nutrition to the perfect training routine, check out our blog. Oh, and our Success Stories aren’t a joke, either.

It’s time to hack Beast mode.

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