The Crazybulk Bulking Stack

The Crazybulk Bulking Stack: How It Works

6 min read


30 Apr 2024

Hack Beast Mode

  1. What is “bulking?”
  2. What is a stack, exactly?
  3. What does CrazyBulk’s Bulking Stack include?
  4. How to use the Bulking Stack to your muscle-boosting advantage
  5. Time to grab those gains…

We all know that when you’re trying to bulk up—you’ve gotta train harder, lift more weights, and eat like a (disciplined) Beast.

Speaking of your diet, there’s another type of product you should be consuming on the daily— high-quality natural training supplements (or ‘supps’ as we like to call ‘em). 

But as epic as supps for helping you to ‘bulk up’, knowing what ones to take can be a minefield. And sometimes, one supp alone won’t give you the best body-boosting results.

To get the right combo, we recommend sticking to a bulking stack—and our bulking stack is the perfect place to start.

The CrazyBulk Bulking Stack has been developed with muscle-hungry natural bodybuilders in mind. But what the heck is it, and how can you get the most from it?

Let’s explain exactly how it works. But, first…

What is “bulking?”

man doing barbell row

Bulking is all about packing on muscle and building mass. It’s a little like building a house. You need plenty of bricks (protein) to make it strong—as well as other essential macronutrients like good carbs and healthy fats.

So, you eat more food than usual to give your body the fuel it needs to repair and grow between training sessionsthis is known in the game as a calorie surplus.

To bulk well and gain muscle mass without storing excess fat and feeling sluggish, you have to eat right and train consistently. Oh, and take the right stack of supplements to accelerate your results the healthy way.

Enter the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack.

Read: 5 Myths About Bulking That You Need To Stop Believing

What is a bulking stack, exactly?

In the supplement world, your goal is to find things that’ll deliver the best bang for your buck. Oh, and products that aren’t only safe and legal—but actually work.

Individual supplements like protein powder, creatine, and electrolyte formulas are all well and good, but they’re just single things. By supplement stacking, you can really push yourself ahead of the muscle-building pack and hack Beast Mode.

As the name implies, a stack is a collection of supplements used in conjunction with each other, just like you’d have a stack of pancakes on your plate. Mmm, protein pancakes…sorry, we’re getting distracted.

The end result of using a stack is synergistic. In other words, each supp in the stack works together to give you a better return on your muscle-bulking investment. 

In the case of the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, that would be more mass and size—the kind of mass you can’t get from single supplements. 

Simply put, when 1 + 1 normally equals 2, using a bulking stack is more like 1 + 1 = 3. Bigger gains and better results all around.

Read: The Best Supplements For Muscle Gain And Strength

What does CrazyBulk’s Bulking Stack include?

man doing ropes

The ingredients in the bulking stack are what sets it apart. First of all, the entire stack consists of D-bal, Deca-Max, Testo-Max and Tren-Max.

These three big-hitting supplements are designed to complement a solid diet and training regime to give you more strength, elevate your energy, and supercharge your bulking results.

Let’s dig a little deeper.

Meet the super supps…


Crazy bulk

Helps to boost your body’s ability to retain nitrogen, which is directly related to building muscle faster.

What it can do for you:

This powerhouse of a supplement will help you accelerate your muscle gains, boost your strength, and reduce muscle soreness between training sessions. It can even help to lower your cholesterol.


Crazy bulk

This muscle-boosting big hitter is a pre-workout formula that contains amino acids, Panax ginseng, and wild yam root. It’s a bulking essential.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, which is what muscle needs for growth. Wild yam root is beneficial for testosterone levels, and panax ginseng puts a little spring in your step.

What it can do for you:

This fine addition to our bulking stack is perfect for accelerating your muscle gains, putting more explosive power into your workouts, and relieving joint pain.


Crazy bulk

This T-boosting super supp contains a powerful testosterone-boosting substance called Tribulus Terrestris. Testosterone is essential for muscle-building.

What it can do for you:

Not only will Testo-Max keep your T levels in the green (which is essential for your overall health and wellbeing), but it will also improve your recovery between workouts and work in synergy with every other super supps in our stack so you can bulk like a boss.


Crazy bulk

promotes muscle growth by ramping up your red blood cell count. This is important for getting oxygen to your muscles, which in turn gives you more power output when you’re training.

What it can do for you:

This epic supp will power up your muscles and supercharge your endurance during your workouts. It will also help you maximize your results during the bulking phases of your bodybuilding journey.


How to use the Bulking Stack to your muscle-boosting advantage

Now that you know all about the pure mass-boosting power of the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, we’re going to look at what else you can do to enjoy the most epic results from this complementary collection of super supplements.

Get your dosages right

Although this stack is completely legal, you can still get some side effects if you don’t use it as directed. 

So, you’re best served by using the entire stack in an eight-week cycle. In other words, use the stack for eight weeks, then take four to six weeks off—so your beast of a body can reset.

Oh, and be sure to follow the dosage recommendations exactly as they’re listed on the bottles. Most of our super supps generally recommend taking three capsules a day.

Eat like a beast

As we mentioned before: The super supps contained in our stack are designed to complement your diet and training regime. They’re not a complete shortcut or a quick fix.

Yes, our bulking stack will certainly accelerate your muscle-bulking results and give you the beast of a body you deserve. But you have to do the work. And that means eating like a beast.

To bulk right, you should aim for a calorie surplus of between 300 and 500 per day. Oh, and rather than eating a bunch of processed junk (we’re not a fan of ‘dirty bulking’)—you should eat a balanced mix of nutritious whole foods.

In addition to eating a vibrant mix of fruit and veggies, you should also get your daily fix of macronutrients (healthy fats, protein, and carbs). Here’s a breakdown of the ‘macro ratios’ you should aim for to bulk like a beast…

Good carbs: 35%

Healthy fats: 25%

Protein: 40%

To discover your exact macro ratios, you can use a free online calculator tool. Now, go eat like a beast.

Read: 10 Nutrition-Packed Foods You Need In Your Diet to Bulk Up

Train hard

For the best results with a bulking stack, you need to eat right (check!) and follow a solid weight training routine. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how many supplements you take—they’ll be wasted.

So, to hack Beast Mode and bulk like a pro, you need to follow a training program that’s not only consistent but aligns with your specific goals.

In addition to following a consistent and progressive training routine, you should also focus on your form and keep challenging yourself.

By executing every set with the best possible form and pushing to failure, you’ll maximize your muscle-boosting results. And coupled with the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, you’ll be unstoppable.

Time to grab those gains…

man flexing arm and back muscles

Now that you have the deets you need to bulk up, all that’s left to do is hit the gym and get started.

Although you’ll be getting a serious edge with your stack, remember that you still need to go hard in the weight room and eat the right food. You’ve got this.

Are you ready to bulk like a Beast? Grab the CrazyBulk Bulking Stack now.

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