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Find out if steroids cause hair loss and what you can do about it, now.
Cranking up our gains and sculpting serious muscle is what we live for—and taking the right supplements can help you on your journey.
But here’s a curveball—could those anabolic steroids be messing with your hair growth and leading to you experiencing hair loss?
Yeah, we’re talking about receding hairlines, thinning hair, and even male pattern baldness. Let's discover if steroids cause hair loss and what you can do to keep those hair follicles happy and healthy while you’re crushing it in the gym.
Get the facts and stay ahead in the game, right now.
How do steroids impact hair loss?

We get it. Nothing means more to lifters than beating our one rep max, piling on pounds of muscle, and looking better than we’ve ever looked before.
But it’s easy to take stronger measures in order to get hench. Yes, we’re talking about anabolic steroids.
It’s well known steroids can boost muscle mass and performance, but what about the darker side of steroid use? Like the fact ‘roids are illegal and how they can cause hair loss?
If you've ever noticed thinning hair or bald spots after starting a steroid cycle, you’re not alone.
Let’s dive into the science behind how anabolic steroids can impact the growth of your hair and cause hair thinning or even male pattern baldness because sorry dudes, there is a link.
What is the science behind hair loss and steroids?
When you’re taking anabolic steroids, you’re not just impacting your muscle gains—you’re also affecting your hormone levels.
Because steroids can increase the levels of androgens, like testosterone, in your body. While this might sound great for building muscle, it’s not so great for your hair.
High levels of testosterone convert to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone known to shrink hair follicles.
This process leads to steroid-induced hair loss, where your hair falls out faster than it can regrow.
Hair thinning and hair loss are a common side effect of steroids due to this increase in DHT. This DHT binds to receptors in the scalp hair follicles, causing them to miniaturize.
Over time, this miniaturization leads to thinner hair strands and can eventually stop your hair growing altogether, resulting in those noticeable bald patches.
But it’s not just follicles that steroids affect. They can also disrupt the natural hair growth cycle.
Normally, your hair cycles through phases of growth, rest, and shedding.
Steroid use can push hair follicles into the shedding phase before its ready, leading to increased hair fall and less time for hair regrowth.
This disruption can contribute to hair thinning and hair loss in a big way.
Anabolic steroids and hair loss facts
Fact 1) Approximately 30 to 40% of men who use anabolic steroids experience hair loss.
Fact 2) Steroid users are 60% more likely to develop male pattern baldness compared to non-users.
Fact 3) Anabolic steroids increase the risk of hair follicle miniaturization by 50%.
Yes guys, you might wanna stop taking steroids and think about natural alternatives to get you that juice up look…without the juice.
What else impacts hair loss?

There are other factors at play outside taking steroids that affect hair loss. Let’s take a look right now.
Genetic predisposition
You probably know genetic predisposition plays a significant role in hair loss, right?
It makes sense. If you have a family history of male pattern baldness or hair thinning, you may be genetically predisposed to experience similar issues. It doesn’t mean you’re gonna hit baldness at 35 ‘cos your Dad did, but you could be at increased risk.
Hormone imbalances
Yep. Hormone imbalance can happen to men, too.
Fluctuations in androgen levels or testosterone can lead to hair fall. Changes in hormone levels in men can trigger hair loss —we’re talking elevated dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
High levels of DHT , a derivative of testosterone, can shrink follicles of hair and add to male pattern baldness.
Hormone imbalances can also lead to mood swings. Yeah, you know what I mean. Roid rage.
Feeling stressed?
High levels of stress can have an impact on your follicles of hair too, leading to thinning hair.
Stress can push follicles of hair into a resting phase, causing your hair to fall out easily. By trying relaxation techniques you can actually save your hairline as well as calm you and improve your health.
No one’s looking or judging, big guy.
Diet and nutrition
It’s not well known that a poor diet can actually impact the growth of your hair and cause hair thinning.
Its ‘cos of nutrient deficiencies, in vitamins and minerals like iron, zinc, and vitamin D.
Listen up because you can look after your hairline with a balanced hair growth diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains is essential for healthy hair.
Read: The Best Muscle-Building Foods
Medical conditions
It’s true that certain medical conditions, such as alopecia areata, autoimmune diseases, and blood disorders, can lead to hair loss.
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles, causing hair to fall out in patches.

Ain’t life unfair when certain prescription medications can cause hair loss as a side effect?
Medications for conditions such as cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, and high blood pressure can lead to hair thinning or loss, too.
Hair care practices
You might not realize, but if you’re using hair products in your hair, doing real tight hairstyles or styling it with heat, you might damage your scalp in the process. and lead to hair loss.
Avoid excessive heat, use more natural, gentle hair care products and this will help you maintain healthy hair.
Yeah, it sucks but the natural aging process can lead to hair thinning and hair loss. As we age, the rate at which our hair grows, slows down, and hair strands become smaller and have less pigment.
It’s a fact of life. But it doesn’t dictate everything about your hair.
Environmental factors
When you’re exposed to pollutants and toxins, it can impact hair follicles and cause hair fall.
It’s common sense to make sure you live and exist in a clean environment and without harsh environmental factors. But why not assess where you live and your local area if you’re looking to maintain healthy hair.
Did you know? Scalp infections like fungal infections, can affect hair follicles and lead to hair loss.
If you detect one, treat it fast with the right medications to help restore hair growth.
Other side effects that you might want to avoid.
Tips for tackling hair loss

Ok, now after all that we’ve gotta drop you some treatment options.
You don’t need to turn to a hair transplant just yet. Here are some quick actionables to get that growth…growing.
As you now know, hair loss is a common issue, especially among those using anabolic steroids. But don't worry, there are actionable steps you can take to slow down or even reverse hair thinning and hair loss.
Stop the steroids
The first step is to stop taking anabolic steroids. By hitting the ‘roids on the head and choosing a natural supplement alternative, you can help normalize your hormone levels and reduce the impact on your hair.
Boost your diet
Feed your hair from the inside out!
A diet rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Biotin, Iron, and Zinc can stimulate hair growth.
Think leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins. These power-packed foods help strengthen hair follicles and keep your scalp in top shape.
Explore natural hair growth supplements
Supplements can be a game-changer. Look into biotin, folic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids.
They’re known for supporting hair health and (potentially) slowing hair thinning.
Massage your scalp
You or someone else can give you a regular scalp massage to increase blood flow to hair follicles, which can promote increased hair growth.
Go for sulfate-free shampoos and consider products with caffeine or minoxidil to give your hair a little extra boost.
Why natural supplements can help
Okay, so now you know that those ‘roids might be affecting your hairline, it’s time to consider natural alternatives.
Steroids can boost muscle growth but often come with unwanted side effects like mood changes and hair loss. Go natural. Yeah they’re not the synthetic version, but they are kinder to your body, and bring similar results.
Natural supplements are a safer alternative and support muscle growth and performance without the negative side effects of steroids.
The ideal supplements for you contain testosterone so you can keep up healthy t-levels, which will keep your mood swings and steroid hair loss in check.
Crazy Bulk’s Testo-Max
Boosting testosterone levels can have a positive impact on your body, mind and hair. Good T-levels result in increased muscle mass, better energy levels, higher libido, bone density and more.
Formulated from a testo-boosting mega-mix of D-Aspartic acid, magnesium, zinc, vitamins D, B6, K1. Go hard or go home!
Crazy Bulk’s D-Bal and Anadrole
These two products are the perfect replacement steroids too as they ensure your physique doesn’t suffer. We respect the blood, sweat and tears you’ve put in already.
This natural product is the ideal alternative to steroids as it boosts muscle growth and strength, improves recovery, kickstarts protein synthesis and launches your workouts into orbit!
Use for extreme gains, the strength and stamina of Hulk and faster recovery. Your go-to for quick gains at the beginning of a cycle.
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You’re not less of a man for hair loss. But punish your body for gains, not losses. You’ve got this.
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